Monday, December 28, 2009
We had an awesome Christmas. someone did the '12 days of christmas' for us so we got a different piece to a nativity each night. it was really fun, the kids would race to the door to try to catch the mystery people. I had all eight kids toghether for the first time ever it was amazing. Brighton is a wonderful addition to our family he just fits right in, like he has always been here. then of course there is Sophia she is now nine months old. just learning to crawl, and a huge mama's girl (which is exactly how I like it since she is my last) Mallory will be 18 next month. she is looking for scholarships and colleges. dallin is doing good, he just got his own apartment. Madaline is getting tall and cant wait to move into the teens. Isaac is a great first grader, he loves school. isabelle is a big helper she like to play mommy, and barbies. Logan is definately in his terrible twos but getting better, he gets into everything, if you have seen the movie 'Marley and me' he is Marley, I am so blessed, and greatful for these wonderful people in my life.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My Lastest Project
hello. so I haven't blogged for a while obviously, just trying to keep up with the kids, so here is my story, I like to look at this one moms blog that does hair style tutorials for little girls, to get cute hair dos for my little princess. she quit blogging a few months ago for personal reasons, but just happened to blog today with this cute little skirt tutorial. so I thought, I can do that, so here it is my first of many skirts I will make for my girls it was so easy and fun I love sewing, and maybe with practice will get better. I will have to make them for all the little girls I know now.
p.s. I made a matching one for Sophia too. So cute!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
A Few Minutes Of Creativity
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
What A Blessing!
We had our darling angel blessed this month, I even bore my testimony, (with fewer tears than expected) My cute husband came it was really nice to have him there. My Aunt Luana made her cute dress, her cute flower I have to give thanks to my friend Rebecka and her talent. Joe and Ashley came and Joe gave her the blessing for me it was beautiful, thanks tons Joe for your preisthood, and for being close enough to be more visible in our life. nobody stood up to be in the circle, so I had to start calling people by name. it was great. LOL
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Yippee! She is here.

Daily, I would wonder, is today the day? Tuesday night I was having stronger contractions than I have had, nothing regular. I couldn't sleep, anxious I guess, I knew this was the night. I got up went in the front room to watch tv for a while, I even told my daughter, who was doing homework on the computer when I got up, I was probably going to go into labor tonight. I just knew. around 1:00 am I was having more contractions still nothing regular, but I wanted to help them along so I got up and walked around the front room, nothing was happening so I went back to bed, this happened a few times, finally I think it was 1:45 my water broke not alot just a little so I got up to make sure I didn't just pee my pants, although I knew I hadn't cuz I just went a few min. earlier. so I nudged my husband, told him 'she wants to be born today'. While he got up, I got my things ready, the contractions were getting stronger and a longer but still not real steady. but hey my water broke right, they cant turn me away now. I sat on the bed waiting for Jake to be ready he asked if he had time to take a shower, I said sure a quick one, the contractions weren't great anyway. By the time we got to the hospital, the c's were more steady but still about 10 minutes apart, they got to 6 minutes when they called for the epidural, the nurse informed me she would call the doc. on call, that unless I waited til after 7:00 my doc. wouldn't deliver me,I wasn't happy. He heard I was there and came in just after 6:30 but told me he had to do a C-section and would hopefully be back before i delivered, C-sections start at 730 and take about an hour. the nurse checked me around 8:15 and I was ready, she went to see if my doc was done, he had just finished, one push later, Sophia was born at 8:30 weighing 7lbs. 10oz. she is beautiful.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy Tag
Link to the person who has tagged you.Write down six things that make you happy.Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it.Tell the person when your entry is complete.
6 Things that make me Happy:
1. My family
2. All my kids climbing in bed with me in the morning
3. Nap time
4. Hearing my kids laugh
5. Sewing
6. Chocolate
6 people I tag:Becka, Carrie, Prairie, Stephanie, Cynthia, Shawn
Link to the person who has tagged you.Write down six things that make you happy.Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it.Tell the person when your entry is complete.
6 Things that make me Happy:
1. My family
2. All my kids climbing in bed with me in the morning
3. Nap time
4. Hearing my kids laugh
5. Sewing
6. Chocolate
6 people I tag:Becka, Carrie, Prairie, Stephanie, Cynthia, Shawn
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