I have had this in my drafts for a week now... thinking i would get pictureson but havent yet so here is the blog and maybe i will get pictures later:)
We are finally home from our vegas/sierra vista trip, it was so much fun. first we drove to las vegas on friday, went to a really cute water park and then saturday, went to sierra vista, Az. so that we could be there sunday when all my nieces came to town. it was so fun we swam everyday, the kids loved it, we played "Human Volleyball" everyone gets in a circle, (mostly grown ups and alot of men) with feet together, and someone stands in the middle of the feet trying to stay stiff and falls. the sitting people try to keep her from falling on them by pushing her over to someone else, and keeping feet tight around "the ball" it is so fun. you should try it at your next party. my sister ended up delivering 2 babies while i was there, actually 2 in one day! We had lots of fun!
Thank you sooooooo much for making the drive down to my neck of the woods I mean desert! It was fun so spend time with you and your family. Thanx for putting up with my crazy-unpredictable schedule. I love you!°Ü°
I'm just now seeing pics for this trip, that last one of the group is hilarious! I'm not sure ANYONE was looking at the camera, and if they were...well, this picture is not easy on the eyes!°Ü°
I just realized I don't have your blog on my to watch list, Sorry!! Can't wait to see you this week and catch up! I keep looking at Cohen and see Isaac, it's so weird! They have the same mouth for sure.
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