Monday, December 28, 2009


We had an awesome Christmas. someone did the '12 days of christmas' for us so we got a different piece to a nativity each night. it was really fun, the kids would race to the door to try to catch the mystery people. I had all eight kids toghether for the first time ever it was amazing. Brighton is a wonderful addition to our family he just fits right in, like he has always been here. then of course there is Sophia she is now nine months old. just learning to crawl, and a huge mama's girl (which is exactly how I like it since she is my last) Mallory will be 18 next month. she is looking for scholarships and colleges. dallin is doing good, he just got his own apartment. Madaline is getting tall and cant wait to move into the teens. Isaac is a great first grader, he loves school. isabelle is a big helper she like to play mommy, and barbies. Logan is definately in his terrible twos but getting better, he gets into everything, if you have seen the movie 'Marley and me' he is Marley, I am so blessed, and greatful for these wonderful people in my life.


sc00by77 said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! Is Brighton just visiting or is he back for good?

Kamie said...

Fun to hear about your family. My mom had mentioned that you were able to get Brighton back to the states and part of your life again. So happy for that! You have a beautiful family! I wish you all the happiness in the deserve it :)