Monday, March 24, 2008

Remodling my kitchen (by myself)

I am remodling my kitchen, I got tiles for the floor but ran out of money for the backer board to tile, so i started on my cupboards, i for got to take pictures of the before but there are some of the process, took the doors off and started on the inside, then sanded down the doors and took them to my dads to help put the molding around them for face lift, and now, I still need to primer and paint the doors its been fun but long or should I say slow because of cash)the really dark wood is what it used to look like


The Baby Catcher said...

Good work Jeannene!!! You are my hero... I can't believe you are doing your kitchen by yourself! You deserve the the "Handygirl of the year" °Ü°

Prairie said...

WOW what a project you are undertaking! Way to go Girl! It looks so much brighter and more beautiful already! Keep up the good work and good luck!