Thursday, January 29, 2009

A little tribute to my ADORABLE kids,and LOVING husband whom i am EXTREMELY grateful for. I have been tired and overwhelmed, with these last few months of pregnancy. and my 38th birthday! holy cow, (I know its not 40 yet, but really close) but my CUTE kids make me SMILE.


Rebecka Jeffs said...

Yeah, your family is pretty stinkin cute! hope your feeling better, Warren brought home a cold too, maybe we have the same thing... cough and snotty nose? Call me when you want to get together, my kids need some play time!

Anonymous said...

Your family is So beautiful!

Kamie said...

I love the family picture! What a beautiful group :) The little ones are growing up so fast and keep getting cuter and cuter! Thanks for posting the pics.

cynphil6 said...

Love this picture! Cute family!

The Baby Catcher said...

Jeannene, what a sweet tribute to your family! They are a reflection of you! You are such a GREAT mom! I love you!°Ü°

Kamie said...

I tagged you on my blog. Check it out!