Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Tag
Link to the person who has tagged you.Write down six things that make you happy.Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it.Tell the person when your entry is complete.

6 Things that make me Happy:
1. My family
2. All my kids climbing in bed with me in the morning
3. Nap time
4. Hearing my kids laugh
5. Sewing
6. Chocolate

6 people I tag:Becka, Carrie, Prairie, Stephanie, Cynthia, Shawn


Rebecka Jeffs said...

Didn't know you were so close to your EDD! Yay!! can't wait!

Did you want a nursing cover?

Kamie said...

Thanks for playing along. Hope you're feeling well in these last few weeks of pregnancy!

cynphil6 said...

K. I did it!

Check out my blog...
