Wednesday, December 3, 2008
So I finally decided to get my root canals done,(yes, plural meaning 2) I had been putting it off for at least 6 months that I knew about them. It wasn't so bad, at first(6 mo. ago) I was going to go completely under so I didn't have to feel anything, but now that I am pregnant, they could only numb me. but it was ok, He did one at a time and then let me have a break, before doing the next one. they were really nice. so by the time i was done ...2 hours later. I was numb for another hour and a half, and when the numb finally wore off, oh my goodness I wanted to cry, but had to keep my composure so I didn't scare the kids. Mallory had to work and my husband went back to work, but as soon as I was feeling anything I was on the phone begging my husband to come home, and feel my pain killer prescription. which he did and I made him take care of the kids all night while I layed in bed. It would have been a nice little break if I wasn't in so much pain. anyway after trading off every two hours between Tylenol and lortab for the night, I am feeling much better this morning. =) oh and to top it off he thinks there is another one(root canal) that will need to be done
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
if its not one end its the other!
Hello, its been a while but we are well, after about 10 days of Logan having the flu. throwing up 4-5 times a night, but then (wierd) seemed fine during the day, (well not fine, whiney and wanting to be held but not vomiting,) so anyway with him basically on sprit and saltines for those days he is finally eating solid food again, and now his tummy has to get used to solids i guess, so now we have head to toe poop every morning. yippy!! oh I made the yummiest roast sunday it turned out SO good and juicey, I love a good roast, it is one of my favorites. I found this really cool site for dinners its called "" it has easy, 5-6 item recipies and a grocery list for the week or you can make your own calendar, and pick the recipies you want for the week, or month, and its free. it looks really cool, I havent made anything on it yet, but i love new recipies and someone else planning what to cook every night =)that will save me lots of time, and energy. oh BTW. It's a girl, (or will be) and her name will be Sophia May. this pregancy has been too easy. Hopefully it will continue. Anyone interested, I love the Doterra oils, it is so fun to get my order in the mail every month and to find new things to use them for, the kids remind me to put oils on them too.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
canning tomatoes
Yeah for me, I was up til midnight last night canning tomatoes, I figured I would wait til things settled down, I forgot they take a while to cook. It was fun I actually like canning, they look cute and the feeling of accomplishment of course. I would like to do some peaches too but don't have a tree so I will have to find them on sale to buy enough to can =)
Monday, September 15, 2008
I'm not very good at this
I'm not very good at blogging, I never know what to say so bare with me maybe I'll get better. there is one thing I wanted to share. I was going to do a blog about the funny things my little Isabelle has been saying lately but I have to write it down or I forget and havent been writing things down, but there is one... she just finished going potty and ran to me so excited, " mommy there is a mommy one and a baby one and a daddy one, i said great, as she is running back to the bathroom where Isaac is now going potty, and she yells at him "Isaac don't go potty on my mommy" she is really funny I will have to think of more, and /or remember to write things down.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Home Sweet Home!
I have had this in my drafts for a week now... thinking i would get pictureson but havent yet so here is the blog and maybe i will get pictures later:)
We are finally home from our vegas/sierra vista trip, it was so much fun. first we drove to las vegas on friday, went to a really cute water park and then saturday, went to sierra vista, Az. so that we could be there sunday when all my nieces came to town. it was so fun we swam everyday, the kids loved it, we played "Human Volleyball" everyone gets in a circle, (mostly grown ups and alot of men) with feet together, and someone stands in the middle of the feet trying to stay stiff and falls. the sitting people try to keep her from falling on them by pushing her over to someone else, and keeping feet tight around "the ball" it is so fun. you should try it at your next party. my sister ended up delivering 2 babies while i was there, actually 2 in one day! We had lots of fun!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Our New Siberian Husky
I didn't tell you we got a dog he is 9 months old, his name is Koda, He has one blue eye and one brown eye, it kinda cool. We had to drive out to Roosovelt to get him, and he threw up 3 times on the way home because he isn't used to car rides. But he is really cute and knows basic commands although he chooses to ignore them sometimes. he broke his first chain one night and ended up by the University of Utah (I'm on Fort Union and 1300 east.) but we got him back, he chewed up my brand new screen door, socks shoes, etc. but the kids love him, Isabelle wakes up every morning and as to go see if "koda is awake" we live in a culdesac, so at night I let him off the chain to run around, he likes to go to the nieghbors and run through the canal, and across the street to play with another dog, he has a really cute personality.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Mallory left for girls camp this morning, actually she spent the night at her friend Tara's so they could stay up making pizza, and stuff and leave early this morning. She is a great girl and growing up to be a beautiful woman, even though she is a typical 'girl' teenager, and thinks the world revolves around her, she does so much for me, helping with the little kids and cleaning the house. She gets awesome grades usually bringing home about a 3.7 (give or take a point) and now she is enrolled in online Chemistry, just to get ahead a little for the 'DR.' career she wants to go into. She is so fun, I love you Mallory and I am so proud of you, thanks for all you do MOM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Arizona Trip
I am so excited, at the end of July, I am taking my daughter to Las Vegas for EFY, and then going on to Arizona to see my sister for the week. with all the rest of the kids, its about a 16 hour drive at... where are we? $4.50 a gallon now. but thats ok I haven't been for over three years. So my kitchen and anything else have been put on hold for a while. Steph, for your info. I will leave here on the 25th go to vegas til Sunday (i want to take the kids to the M&M store and maybe the nascar place for Isaac on saturday) then head to Sierra Vista on sunday, We'll be there til Friday or Sat. I'm not sure yet. then stay the night again in vegas and drive home Sun. I cant wait I really do love road trips.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Where Does The Time Go
gosh, I feel like the summer is just flying right past me, we haven't even gone camping yet, of coarse with the gas prices its hard to go anywhere, I did finally get my garden put in, which was great of me. Its not as big as usual but I wanted to get something planted before it was too late. I swear it seems like the older I get, the faster time goes by, we can fly through a whole year now and not know where it went. I cant believe my baby is almost a year old already, I got one starting kindergarton this fall, my oldest is 18 and another one with just 2 years left of school. its crazy. you really have to cherish every moment. hopefully we can go camping this weekend, we do have a couple bigger trips planned in july though.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Teenagers GRRR...
I guess its true, that the reason god gave us teenagers is so that we would be able to let them go out on their own, if they stayed cute and sweet we would want to keep them forever, well mine is pretty much depleted of ANY cute and sweet, I assume its all teenagers, but 'help' me if I'm wrong, does she really think the world revolves around her, like it would all stop spinning if there was one less teen in it? Everything I own is automatically hers to share (if I ever find it to 'borrow' it back) or just plain HERS because she has allowed me to be in her presence. I'm weird, old, lazy, I never let her do anything, all her friends moms are nicer than me, I don't do anything right. I guess what comes around goes around, I remember not being so nice to my mom, and now I'm paying for it... all I can say is, watch out sis. cuz you'll get yours, her daughter is going to be even worse, and then... I'll just sit back and smile.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Logan is crawling
It is so cute... Logan started crawling the past couple days, and sits up by him self, he got his first tooth on easter morning and now has 2. he also can pull himself up in his crib so I had to pit it on the lowest level. He is getting so big
Isaac starts T-ball this week, this is his second year, he loves it, his first day is tues. where he will get his, uniform(tshirt) and hat and meet his coach. he had a blast last year, and was sad when he couldnt go oplay any more. he says the funniest things, it was my nephews birthday last month, and Taigan is 2 1/2 months older than Isaac, I saac was so upset that Taigans birthday was first, and didnt let up all day till I promised to ask heavemly father if he would make Isaac birthday the same time as Taigans next year.
p.s. Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen . she's got her baby, her backpack, her dora hat and her church shoes, or as she would call them ,her princess shoes, she tells us all the time, "I'm a beautiful princess"
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
update... here are some pictures I just took of my finished cupboards, they look really good, I'm excited.
hey havent blogged for a while, nothing really going on except the basics. I'm at a stand still with my kitchen. I did get the doors put on but still need to put a coat of paint on the fronts. it looks really good, have to wait for more money to come in so i can start the floors, i need about $150. for backer board for the tile floors, but it will be great when its done ...... anyway its coming along nicely. it will be sooo nice when its done, this kitchen was all original from the early 60's i think, so in dire need of a makeover. i'll get more pictures up soon.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Remodling my kitchen (by myself)
I am remodling my kitchen, I got tiles for the floor but ran out of money for the backer board to tile, so i started on my cupboards, i for got to take pictures of the before but there are some of the process, took the doors off and started on the inside, then sanded down the doors and took them to my dads to help put the molding around them for face lift, and now, I still need to primer and paint the doors its been fun but long or should I say slow because of cash)the really dark wood is what it used to look like
Friday, February 29, 2008
it's my turn
So I was 'tagged' °Ü°
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag at least three people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the fun begin!
Okay so here are RANDOM facts about me you may not know.
1. I really bothers me to buy a dented gallon of milk, i have to dig around to make sure its not dented or I wont buy it.
2. I have lived in Salt Lake City, Utah all my life and have never been snow skiing
3. I have 7 living children boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy
4. I started remodleing my house a year and half ago and still havent finished the first project (my front room)
5. I love purple I even painted my bedroom purple
6. I love camping , I cant wait for summer, just a short 15 min. drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon and we can camp all the time
whoo! so there it is .
and tag... your next
the Latimers
Larry and Prarie
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag at least three people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the fun begin!
Okay so here are RANDOM facts about me you may not know.
1. I really bothers me to buy a dented gallon of milk, i have to dig around to make sure its not dented or I wont buy it.
2. I have lived in Salt Lake City, Utah all my life and have never been snow skiing
3. I have 7 living children boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy
4. I started remodleing my house a year and half ago and still havent finished the first project (my front room)
5. I love purple I even painted my bedroom purple
6. I love camping , I cant wait for summer, just a short 15 min. drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon and we can camp all the time
whoo! so there it is .
and tag... your next
the Latimers
Larry and Prarie
Thursday, February 28, 2008
My age is starting to show
As you may or may not know about 2 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis it was really bad for a while after I had Isabelle, and goes into remission when your pregnant, well since Logan it hasn't been too bad, a little stiff but that's all really, until the past month, both wrists were really sore and I got a 'Bakers cyst' behind my knee, that popped and was draining fluid down my calf which made it really sore and bruised. but all is well again
the love of my life
Ok so I guess this is the cool thing to do, I have a few friends and family creating blogs so I'll give it a try.
my little Logan is 6 mo. and last night I finally decided to move him to a crib, (he's been in the bassinet in my room for those first 6 mo.) I guess the older I get the more I appreciate the little time we have with those sweet babies, not that its taken me 17 years to figure that out but i sure do love being a mom. anyway Logan slept great I assume for 10 hours, because Isabelle is in there too and she didn't wake up. my kids are adorable
my little Logan is 6 mo. and last night I finally decided to move him to a crib, (he's been in the bassinet in my room for those first 6 mo.) I guess the older I get the more I appreciate the little time we have with those sweet babies, not that its taken me 17 years to figure that out but i sure do love being a mom. anyway Logan slept great I assume for 10 hours, because Isabelle is in there too and she didn't wake up. my kids are adorable
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